How do I configure the app?
Tap the Admin button. epiPRAC will show you a menu with eight options, one of which (the most recently used) will be active. Tap on any one of the options and you will be presented with different fields that you can edit.
How do I change practice details?
Tap the Admin button. Now tap the 'practice' option at the bottom of the view. A new view will open with foure options, one of which (the most recently used) will be active. Tap on any one of the options and you will be presented with different fields that you can edit such as locations, service providers and health funds.
How do I Backup my data?
From the Admin view tap on 'Manage Data'. Pick 'Manage Dropbox' or 'Manage Local'. If you pick Dropbox and you haven't already linked an account you will be given the opportunity to do so. When you're in the Dropbox or Local view, tap 'Backup Database'.
How do I Restore my data?
From the Admin view tap on 'Manage Data'. Pick 'Manage Dropbox' or 'Manage Local'. Tap on 'Show Backups'. If you have backed up your data (Dropbox or Local) tap on one of the backups from the list. The name of the backup will be displayed in the 'Selected Backup' field. Tap on 'Restore From Backup' to swap the current database with the backed-up version.
Can I use iCloud?
This option is not currently active. We are planning to make iCloud available in an upcoming release. Stay tuned for more...
How do I Restore an Archived client?
From the Admin view tap on 'Manage Data'. Pick 'Manage Archived Clients' from the menu. If you had archived some clients they will be displayed in the new view. Tap on one of the clients on the list and their details will be displayed in the two fields below (Name/Address Details and Clinical Notes/Invoices Summary). If they are the right client tap 'Restore Client' and confirm your action.
How do I delete an Archived client?
From the Admin view tap on 'Manage Data'. Pick 'Manage Archived Clients' from the menu. If you had archived some clients they will be displayed in the new view. Tap on one of the clients on the list and their details will be displayed in the two fields below (Name/Address Details and Clinical Notes/Invoices Summary). If they are the right client tap 'Purge Client' and confirm your action.
How do I setup a Service or a Product?
From the Admin view tap on 'Services' or 'Products'. Tap on 'Add New' to create a new Product or Service in the respective view. Enter a Product or Service code. The code can be anything you want. If you are supplying products or services that can be claimed from a health fund it's advisable to use the appropriate industry standard code. With 'Products' there will be an extra field (Stock on Hand) to enter. Enter a description. Enter an amount (numbers and decimal points only). Enter a tax amount as a percentage (no percentage sign required).
How do I get more Help?
From the Admin view tap on 'Help'. Pick one of the eight options from the menu to see more help on any one topic. 'First Time help' is especialy useful as it will give you a series of steps when you first use epiPRAC.
Can I personalise eMail or SMS messages?
From the Admin view tap on 'eMail/SMS'. Select one of the four 'Setup' options. epiPRAC comes pre-loaded with a set of defaults. You can change the layout of each section, add more information or remove some of the information on display. There are also some special fields that appear between "<>" brackets. These will be replaced with detailed information when the email is ready to be sent. For example "Clinic" will be replaced with the name of your practice. "Date" will be replaced with the actual date of your client's appointment and so forth. If you choose to delete these fields than the information will not be included in the outgoing email. Once you change these fields they will remain changed until you change them again, or re-install epiPRAC. If you change your mind and you want the original defaults back, use the 'Reset' button.
How do I send a reminder?
There are a couple of ways; From the Admin view tap on 'eMail/SMS'. Select one of the four 'Send' options. Pick one of the clients from the list (they all have an email address or mobile number listed in their details). From a Clinical Notes or Session view, tap 'Send Reminder'. If their prefered method of contact was email you will be presented with an eMail pop up, otherwise you will see an SMS pop-up.
Can I send an SMS?
Yes, if you have configured your iPad to send messages via 'Messages' and your Client owns an iPhone and they have 'Messages' enabled. epiPRAC is using the Apple service for SMS not your ISP or mobile service provider.
How do I look at the Release Notes?
From the Admin view tap on 'Support'. Then tap on 'Release Notes'. Scroll up or down to see all the details.
How do I look at the Credits?
From the Admin view tap on 'Support'. Then tap on 'Credits'. Scroll up or down to see all the details.
How do I sing your praises?
We really like this option... From the Admin view tap on 'Support'. Then tap on 'Rate Us' or 'Recommend Us'. If you tap 'Rate Us' you'll be taken to the Apple Store where you can rate our application. The more stars the better! If you pick 'Recommend Us', you'll get a pop up view with some suggestions already filled in. All you have to do is add your friend's email address and tap 'Send'.
How do I contact Epidexia?
From the Admin view tap on 'Support'. Then tap on 'Contact Us'. You'll get a pre-filled email add some more detail and tap 'Send'. Alternatively you can contact us directly from the website (Support or Contact Us).